European initiatives and projects

Representatives of INFODOM Group are active members in numerous European initiatives and projects with intention of implementing European standards and best practices into our IT solutions, but also introduction of European practices and legal acts into Croatian legal system. Through active participation we contribute and promote the recognition and acceptance of European initiatives into IT solutins on Croatian market. 


INFODOM Group actively participates in EU funded projects aiming to increase its business operations and support the development of products and solutions that contribute to a wider usage of ICT in everyday business. 

INFODOM Group participated in large number of EU funded projects, financed either through CEF program or European Fund for Regional Development. 

GRC FOOD e-Controller

Razvoj novog proizvoda za samoprocjenu regulatorne usklađenosti, procjenu zrelosti i kontroling za područje održive proizvodnje i prerade hrane – GRC FOOD e-Controller

Poboljšanje konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti poslovanja društva Teledom putem IKT-a

Kroz uvođenje IKT osigurat će se integriranost i optimiziranost poslovnih procesa, što će omogućiti poboljšanu interakciju s klijentima i dobavljačima obzirom će potrebne informacije i podaci za donošenje poslovnih odluka biti objedinjene i pregledne u predloženom sustavu.

Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 1.926.746,88 kn
Iznos bespovratnih sredstava: 987.000,00 kn

Digital Enterprise Platforma

Razvoj inovativne platforme za digitalnu transformaciju poduzeća u energetskom sektoru – DEP platforma

Upgrade of Croatian National eProcurement Platform EOJN with eESPD v2, Contract Register and eTendering

Teledom d.o.o. jedan je od partnera na projektu sufinanciranom iz CEF programa kojem je cilj nadogradnja nacionalne platforme za e-nabavu EOJNna eESPD 2.0.2 (ili trenutnu verziju u vrijeme implementacije) te poboljšanje funkcije Registra ugovora i primjene sučelja e-Tendering.

If you are interested to become a partner in a project or are looking for a partner with whom you want to develop new solution, we are ready to explore ideas with you. 

contact us