Basic information on InfoDom Ltd.


Company name: InfoDom Ltd.,Telematics, trade and construction
CEO: Slavko Vidović
Headquarters: A. Žaje 61, 10000 Zagreb
The competent court: Commercial court in Zagreb
Registration number – MBS: 080043540
MB: 01321943
VAT identifiction number: HR99054430142, EUID HRSR.080978677
Established: 1993.
The structure of ownershi: 100p% private

Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb
IBAN HR4323600001101479507, SWIFT ZABAHR2X
Erste & Steiermarkische bank d.d., Rijeka
IBAN HR4224020061100529747, SWIFT ESBCHR22 


Based on Articles 37 and 39 of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (OG 42/2018), Hrvoje Brdarić was appointed Data Protection Officer.

InfoDom Ltd
f/a Data Protection Officer
Andrije Žaje 61, 10 000 Zagreb

Politika privatnosti InfoDom Ltd.