Offer of INFODOM Group for the pillar of Digitalized companies and “Smart Industries”

  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform 
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation) 
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • GRC (Governance, Risk Management and Compliance) Food e-Controller platforma for self-assessment and ensuring compliance with legal regulations and the assessment of maturity with regard to food production and processing
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • GRC (Governance, Risk Management and Compliance) Food e-Controller platforma for self-assessment and ensuring compliance with legal regulations and the assessment of maturity with regard to food production and processing
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.


  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • GRC (Governance, Risk Management and Compliance) Food e-Controller platforma for self-assessment and ensuring compliance with legal regulations and the assessment of maturity with regard to food production and processing
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) platforma za upravljanje poslovnim sadržajem i poslovnom dokumentacijom, kao podrška uspostavi učinkovitog digitalnog poslovanja u srednjim i velikim tvrtkama
  • SPIN@ platforma za upravljanje financijskim tokovima i javnom nabavom, namijenjena obveznicima ZJN-a, ali i trgovačkim društvima koji teže postizanju digitaliziranog procesa nabave
  • Performa 365 platforma za upravljanje učenjem, razvojem kompetencija i znanjem te organizacijskim promjenama
  • e-Račun – x4x platforma za elektroničku razmjenu poslovnih dokumenata te pružanja usluga informacijskog posrednika
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platforma za upravljanje ljudskim kapitalom, namijenjena dionicima u procesu upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima
  • Innovation Management System platforma za upravljanje inovacijama od ideje do komercijalizacije i povećanje  poslovnih koristi za tvrtku
  • ODOO je Open source rješenje za upravljanje poslovnim procesima i resursima primarno malih i srednjih tvrtki, a pokriva područja prodaje (CRM), grupnu diskusiju i kolaboraciju među zaposlenicima, skladišno poslovanje, upravljanje proizvodnjom, financije i računovodstvo te upravljanje ljudskim resursima
  • Oracle e-Business Suite je integriran, modularan i najpotpuniji skup poslovnih aplikacija (ERP) koje pokrivaju gotovo sva područja poslovanja za velike tvrtke i financijske institucije
  • SRMA platforma (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) je servisna platforma koja tvrtkama omogućava jedinstven pogled i integrirano upravljanje procesima (BPMS), znanjem (KMS) i projektima (PMO)
  • GDPR platforma za usklađenje poslovanja s europskom Općom uredbom o zaštiti podataka i domaćom regulativom          
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) za digitalnu transformaciju poslovanja trgovačkih društava
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platforma za povezivanje svih dionika digitalnih ekosustava  (sudionici iz vlade, gospodarstva, sveučilišta) u svrhu potpore razvoju digitalnih poduzeća I “pametnih gradova”
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.
  • e-BAP (Business Administration Platform) – Management of business content and business documentation, as a support for the establishment of effective digital businesses in medium and large companies
  • SPIN@ platform – Management of financial flows and public procurement, intended for Public Procurement obligators but also enterprises seeking to digitalise the procurement processes
  • Performa 365 platform – Management of learning, competence development and organizational changes
  • e-Račun – x4x platform for electronic exchange of business documents and the provision of information broker services
  • HCM (Human Capital Management) platform
  • Innovation Management System platform for innovation management (from idea to commercialisation)
  • ODOO as Open source solution for management of business processes and resources in SME, covering the areas of sales (CRM), group discusion and collaboration between employees, warehouse operations, production management, finance and accounting, HRM
  • Oracle e-Business Suite  is an integrated and modular, as well as the most complete, set of business applications (ERP), for large companies and financial institutions
  • SRMA platform (Service and Resources Management Arhitecture) is a service platform that provides companies with a unique view and integrated process management (BPMS), knowledge (KMS) and projects (PMO)
  • GDPR platform – Harmonization of business activities with the European General Data Protection Regulation  
  • Digital Enterprise Platforma (DEP) for digital transformation of companies
  • Smart Industry ekosustav platform for connection of all stakeholders of digital ecosystems for the purpose of supporting the development of digital companies and “smart cities”.

Through consalting and implemention of our solutions we ensure digital transformation of enterprises. 


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